
Homeschool Groups: Supporting Special Needs | Ep. 81

May 23 • Faith Berens & Peggy Ployhar

Do you want your homeschool group to be more welcoming for families with special needs? Join Darren Jones (HSLDA Director of Group Services), Faith Berens (HSLDA Special Needs Consultant), and Peggy Ployhar (SPED Homeschool Founder/CEO) for inspiring ideas and encouraging approaches to creating an inviting and supportive environment for families with special needs.

We all are created unique and wonderful. And being on the autism spectrum myself like all my kids, I don’t go in assuming somebody is going to be some way, but I just love them where they’re at. We all come into homeschooling in different places. And a lot of times, parents with special needs kids are struggling themselves. And so, to have that compassion, and even more so to listen and be willing to meet them where they’re at is so important.—Peggy Ployhar

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