Military Families

Homeschooling In The Military
For many military families, homeschooling provides continuity and stability for their children as they deal with the experiences of deployments and changes of duty station.
At HSLDA, we want your family's homeschooling experience to be a highlight of your service. Many HSLDA members are active-duty military families, reservists, veterans, and Department of Defense civilian personnel who have found homeschooling to be a rewarding educational choice.
Benefits & Resources
We've collected a list of organizations and military agencies who offer support for your homeschool.
For those who move often, we'll keep you informed about the homeschool requirements in your state.
We also provide legal guidance for our members who wish to homeschool while posted overseas.
Learn how to claim special discounts for military families from these independent publishers.
News & Updates
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Not a member? We invite you to be protected, equipped, and empowered through HSLDA's benefits and resources Military families receive a $15 discount on our annual membership rate.
Discover Groups In Your Area
HSLDA is dedicated to making homeschooling possible, but we don't do it alone! Local support groups, co-ops, and tutorials bring homeschooling parents and families together and make us stronger
Looking for your School Liaison Officer?
We have compiled a list of the contacts for each base.
Learn MoreFAQ's
The exact hows and whens of joining the military depend on a few factors: Which branch? Does your student want to join as an enlistee or as an officer? Do they want to attend college?
Check out our post on preparing to enter the military to learn how to identify the best stepping-stones for your teen to reach their goals.
You should follow the law of the state in which you are physically present. This is true even if your legal residency is in another state and you are only living elsewhere temporarily (such as if you are an active member of the military completing a temporary assignment). This is because when you are physically present in a state, even temporarily, you are subject to that state’s laws—and often to the jurisdiction of its courts.
If you will be living in another state longer than a month while that state’s public schools are in session, HSLDA generally recommends that you comply with that state’s homeschool requirements. This general recommendation applies even if you or your spouse pay taxes, own property, or have employment in a different state.
If you’re an HSLDA member, please contact your state's legal team for specific advice about how state home education laws apply in your specific situation.The answer depends on the laws of that country, since a country’s education laws apply to all children who reside there, whether or not they are citizens. Start by contacting the HSLDA Global Outreach team by emailing us at or calling us at 540-338-5600. We have information on homeschooling laws in many countries where such laws exist and insight into the general educational climate in many other countries. Even if homeschooling is not explicitly recognized by law, it may still be possible to homeschool. We may also be able to connect you with a homeschooling family or support organization in the country.
Always contact HSLDA before speaking with any foreign country’s officials regarding home education.
Military families stationed in a foreign country with which the United States has entered into a treaty (for example, NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) may have different legal protections than are available to civilians or contractors. Again, contact HSLDA for advice in this or any other situation involving homeschooling overseas.