HSLDA is a non-profit advocacy organization that advocates for homeschool freedom by protecting homeschooling families and equipping them to provide the best educational experience for their children. We have been trusted for over 40 years to care for homeschooling families as we safeguard their freedom and secure the future of home education.

When two attorneys and homeschooling dads—Mike Farris and Mike Smith—founded HSLDA in 1983, homeschooling was just a tiny blip on the educational radar screen. Families who chose to homeschool often encountered opposition—sometimes even legal challenges.

Seeing a need for affordable legal advocacy, the two Mikes joined forces to establish a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting families’ right to give their children the kind of unique, personalized education that homeschooling allows.

Today, HSLDA provides over 90,000 member families with the peace of mind knowing that they don’t have to homeschool alone. Whether it’s legal representation, practical resources, or grants for struggling families, everything we do flows from our core mission of advocating for homeschool freedom.

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