
Finding Connection After Military Relocation| Ep. 52

Jul 19, 2021 • Beverly Jacobson • 59 min

If you are a military spouse or parent and are also homeschooling your children, you know there are unique challenges to relocating your family when duty calls. Join Natalie Mack and Beverly Jacobson (retired Air Force wife, Trisomy Advocate, and mom to nine) for a conversation about finding connection even through the ups and downs of relocating as a military homeschool family. They’ll share some of their own experiences, how they’ve made it through tough times, helpful resources and advice, and lots of encouragement! 

“I miss my friends, too. I really miss them. But remember the time before that, we miss those friends, too. And then you can list all the names, all the wonderful people connections that you made from your last duty station.” — Beverly Jacobson

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