Military Families

Military News & Updates


Finding Community as a Military Homeschool Family | Ep. 83

Sept 5 • Darren Jones • 41 min

Are you a military homeschool family looking for a support group? In this episode, Natalie Mack (HSLDA Military Outreach Coordinator) and Darren Jones (HSLDA Group Services Director) discuss the importance of joining a support group as a military homeschool family, as well as how HSLDA can help you get connected!

When I’m talking with new homeschool families, especially military [families] . . . I always encourage them to sign up for something. It might be joining your local state organization for their newsletter and ideas of what field trips are going on around in the state, or joining a co-op or a parent support group that does a mom’s night out, or even just getting together in a local park for a fun outing every other Friday. But having something so that it’s not just you forced to [homeschool] on your own with no help—I really think that's vital.—Darren Jones

Show Notes:

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