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Defend Homeschool Freedom: Join Your State Homeschool Organizations!

Darren Jones, Esq.

Senior Counsel and Director of Group Services

For many of us, this is the time of year when our state legislatures open up to discuss new laws. And with the life-altering events of recent years, legislators from Maine to California will have new challenges to face.

With public school systems continuing to struggle, a lot of families are trying homeschooling for the first time. Maybe you’re one of them. If so, welcome to the community! And for those of you who have been doing this a while, let’s take this time to remember why we’ve chosen to homeschool—and that it wasn’t always as free as it is now.

Standing Together

For nearly 40 years, HSLDA has defended the homeschool community’s freedom in state legislatures around the country. And in those battles, your state homeschool organizations have served as staunch allies! These organizations work with HSLDA to track bills, provide expert testimony to legislative committees, and rally the homeschool community in cases where the state is intruding on parental rights.

Many state groups also organize annual visits to the capitol so that families can meet their legislators and share in person just how important homeschooling is to them.

This year, we expect homeschool freedom to face challenges in a lot of states. It’s vital that the homeschool community works together to defend our fundamental right to guide the education of our children.

Please go here to find your state’s homeschool organizations, and then join up!

Darren Jones, Esq.

Senior Counsel and Director of Group Services

Darren is a litigation attorney, homeschooling dad, and homeschool graduate who helps HSLDA member families resolve legal difficulties related to homeschooling.

Laws Affecting

Defend Homeschool Freedom: Join Your State Homeschool Organizations!

Darren Jones, Esq.

Senior Counsel and Director of Group Services

For many of us, this is the time of year when our state legislatures open up to discuss new laws. And with the life-altering events of recent years, legislators from Maine to California will have new challenges to face.

With public school systems continuing to struggle, a lot of families are trying homeschooling for the first time. Maybe you’re one of them. If so, welcome to the community! And for those of you who have been doing this a while, let’s take this time to remember why we’ve chosen to homeschool—and that it wasn’t always as free as it is now.

Standing Together

For nearly 40 years, HSLDA has defended the homeschool community’s freedom in state legislatures around the country. And in those battles, your state homeschool organizations have served as staunch allies! These organizations work with HSLDA to track bills, provide expert testimony to legislative committees, and rally the homeschool community in cases where the state is intruding on parental rights.

Many state groups also organize annual visits to the capitol so that families can meet their legislators and share in person just how important homeschooling is to them.

This year, we expect homeschool freedom to face challenges in a lot of states. It’s vital that the homeschool community works together to defend our fundamental right to guide the education of our children.

Please go here to find your state’s homeschool organizations, and then join up!

Darren Jones, Esq.

Senior Counsel and Director of Group Services

Darren is a litigation attorney, homeschooling dad, and homeschool graduate who helps HSLDA member families resolve legal difficulties related to homeschooling.