
1091 results for   about homeschooling

Our legal team answers members’ questions, responds to emergencies, and resolves conflicts with authorities in all 50 states and US territories. To reach your state’s legal team, you can call us at 540-338-5600 or log in to your HSLDA account at to send a message directly.

Please note that member families who choose to consult separately with a non-HSLDA attorney must do so at their own expense.

Each of our grants has its own stipulations about how the grant money can be used. You can click here to learn more about our available grants and how you may use the grant money.

Yes! For a long time, the most commonly expressed concern about homeschooling was whether homeschooled children would be disadvantaged socially. However, studies have found that homeschoolers do well socially, emotionally, and psychologically.

And opportunities for social enrichment continue to grow! With the rise in homeschooling popularity, there are literally countless ways homeschooling families can find socialization opportunities—through volunteering, co-ops, sports, youth groups, community orchestras, part-time jobs, and the list goes on. In fact, for many families, the hardest part is deciding which activities to say no to.

Our grants each have their own eligibility requirements and deadlines. You can click here to learn more about our available grants. Please read the requirements carefully before you apply. 


Thinking about Homeschooling?

Curious about homeschooling? Wondering... What does it require? Am I qualified? What about socialization? Can I work and homeschool? Watch this webinar!

Curious About STEM and Homeschooling?

Want to spark inquiry, curiosity, and problem-solving in homeschool kids at any age? Try STEM: everyday science, resources, labs, FUN! Watch this webinar!

Homeschool Mom Starts Support Network for Colombian Families

A homeschooling mother shares with a little about homeschooling in Colombia, especially in Medellin.

Abby Ryan

Abby is a freelance writer and artist who handles nonmember inquiries about homeschooling and creates social media content for HSLDA.

Let’s Talk about Homeschooling in High School | Ep. 61

Join HSLDA High School Consultant LaNissir James and Lillie Schmidt from HSLDA Online Academy for a conversation all about homeschooling through high school.

Family Forced to Return their Daughter to School

Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales heard about the benefits of homeschooling and started teaching their daughter at home. They were overruled.

What’s My Teen’s Perspective?

How does my young adult feel about homeschooling through high school?

Through the Eyes of A Father

Meet a homeschool family from Poland and learn about the growth of homeschooling over the past decade

7 Simple Steps to Start Homeschooling

Thinking about starting homeschooling? Here’s the 7 simple steps you need to get started.

Homeschooling: Bridging the Academic Achievement Gap

What does 'educational inequality' mean, and what does homeschooling have to do with it? Read this Court Report cover story to find out all about how homeschooling is bridging the educational gap.