1. Mark & Chris DeJonge | Michigan, 1993
In 1985, Michigan required all homeschooling parents to possess
a state teaching certification.
Mark and Chris DeJonge objected to this requirement on religious grounds: they possessed a sincere belief that the education
of children was a responsibility given solely to the parents, and
not to the state.[1]
The mandate to obtain a state teaching certification would cause them to violate their conscience, and therefore
infringe upon their religious liberty.
The DeJonges were faced with an impossible decision between
three options. They could compromise their religious convictions
by getting a teaching certification in order to homeschool. They could
hand their kids over to a public school (again violating their religious
convictions). Or they could continue homeschooling—and defend themselves on the ground that the certification requirement was unconstitutional.

Oral arguments for the DeJonge case at the Michigan Supreme Court
HSLDA took up their cause, arguing before the courts that this imposed choice
effectively violated the Free Exercise clause of the Constitution. The case went all the
way to the Michigan Supreme Court: in a historic win for homeschooling, the court
agreed with HSLDA and ruled on May 25, 1993, that the teacher-certification requirement did indeed violate the First Amendment. The state legislature changed the law
after the case was finally decided.
2. Robert & Shirley Calabretta | California, 1999
Knock. Knock. Knock. A CPS investigator demanded entrance to
Robert and Shirley Calabretta’s home, based on an anonymous
report of a young child’s cry coming from her home. Shirley
refused to let the investigator in, and after observing that the
children who were standing with Shirley at the door appeared
unharmed, the investigator left.
The investigator took a 10-day vacation, then returned to the
Calabrettas’ home with a policeman. Once there, the investigator and officer entered their home without consent, interviewed
the Calabrettas’ 12-year-old daughter without her parents present,
and attempted to strip-search their 3-year-old.
HSLDA sued the CPS investigator and the policeman on
the Calabrettas’ behalf, and the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals ruled in their favor.[2]
The court found that both
the nonconsensual entry into the home and the
strip search—without warrant or probable cause—violated the Fourth Amendment’s protection of
“children’s interest in the privacy and dignity of their
homes and . . . the lawfully exercised authority of their
This precedent protecting families from warrantless searches played a crucial role in later cases, such
as Josiah and Holly Curry’s case (page 17).[3]
3. Jim & Mary Ann Stumbo | North Carolina, 2003
One day in 1999, Jim and Mary Ann Stumbo were in the middle of their
family’s morning routine—dressing children and getting breakfast going.
Two-year-old Jonie saw her kitten slip out the front door, and the toddler promptly dashed after her pet. Unfortunately, her parents hadn’t
finished getting her dressed for the day.
Although Jonie’s brother quickly scooped her up, CPS received an
anonymous report that a naked child was running around in the
Stumbo’s front yard, which resulted in a visit from an investigator.
The worker demanded to be let into the home to interview each
child—and when the Stumbos refused, the worker went to
court to try to compel them.

Jonie Stumbo in 2018
HSLDA defended the Stumbos,[4]
appealing all the
way to the North Carolina State Supreme Court.
On July 16, 2003, in a unanimous decision that
had important implications for another case 20
years later, that court
held that evidence—and not just allegations—are necessary to initiate a home entry and
In the court’s own words, “[this is] a circumstance
that probably happens repeatedly across our state,
where a toddler slips out of a house without the awareness of the parent or caregiver. . . . such a lapse does not in and
of itself constitute ‘neglect.’”
4. Uwe & Hannelore Romeike | Michigan, 2013
Do nontraditional educational approaches create dangerous
“parallel societies”? That’s what Germany believes, which is why
the government essentially banned homeschooling. And as the
government cracked down more on home education, it sought to
prosecute individual homeschooling families.
Enter Uwe and Hannelore Romeike. They were in danger of
losing custody of their five children and going to jail—simply for
homeschooling them. The Romeikes fled to the US for asylum,
kicking off an almost decades-long court battle involving questions
of international religious freedom, immigration law, and the government’s authority over education.[5]
Although the Romeikes did not ultimately prevail in court, their
courageous example brought national attention to the plight of
homeschooling families in countries like Germany and Sweden, while
encouraging homeschooling families in other nations to secure their freedom
for future generations. Shortly after the US Supreme Court declined to hear the
Romeikes’ appeal, the Department of Justice indefinitely deferred their removal,
allowing them to remain here in the United States (where they continue to teach
their own children at home).
BREAKING NEWS: In September 2023, right after we published this issue, the Romeikes were told during a routine check-in that their deferred status had been revoked. The family was given four weeks to prepare for deportation to Germany. But there is still hope. Learn what you can do to help the Romeikes here.
5. Tanya Acevedo | New York, 2016
Due to concerns about her son’s safety and the quality of his education, Tanya Acevedo
had withdrawn her son from public school to homeschool him. She had followed the law
to a T: all the documents had been filled out, and all the paperwork had been filed. She
even had the advice and support of several other homeschooling families.
But a CPS investigator showed up at her apartment, insisting on interviewing
Tanya’s child in private and on inspecting the apartment. The allegation:
“educational neglect.”
What triggered this visit? In accordance with the law, Tanya notified
both the school district and central office that she was withdrawing
her son. In NYC, school districts do not handle their own attendance
databases, as far as homeschooling records are concerned. Instead,
the city consolidates all those administrative functions into the
understaffed, underpaid, and overworked Central Office of Homeschooling. And due to the resulting bureaucratic inefficiencies and
delays, the central office simply had not yet counted Tanya’s son as
“homeschooled” in their database.
In short, Tanya had fulfilled all her legal obligations. The central
office just failed to fulfill theirs. After HSLDA sued New York City on
behalf of Tanya and all other families in her situation, the court appointed HSLDA as the official monitor to ensure that New York followed its
own laws.[6]
6. Josiah & Holly Curry | Kentucky, 2020
On the way to karate practice, Holly Curry, a homeschooling mom,
left her six kids in the family’s locked, air-conditioned van for a
few minutes as she quickly ran into a local bakery to grab muffins.
When Holly came out of the bakery, a couple of police officers
informed her that—even though she had broken no law and her
children were safe and sound—they had to report her to CPS.
Later, a CPS investigator and sheriff’s deputy arrived at Holly’s
house and threatened to remove her children from the home if she
didn’t let them in. Once in the house, the social worker not only privately interviewed Holly’s oldest daughter, but also strip-searched
all six children in front of the police officer.
On behalf of the Curry family, HSLDA filed—and eventually won—a
federal civil rights case against CPS, alleging a violation of Fourth Amendment rights reminiscent of what the Calabrettas had endured two decades
before.[7] The judge in Holly’s case described the story as a “three-act tragedy”:
“Act One: An ‘attentive and loving’ mother gets muffins for her children. Act Two:
There’s a knock on her door and a threat by the government to take away her children. Act
Three: Her children are strip searched without cause.
“America’s founding generation may never have imagined a Cabinet for Health and Family
Services. But they knew their fair share of unwelcome constables. And they added a Fourth
Amendment to our Constitution to protect against this three-act tragedy.”[8]
7. Kristen & Kirk Sosebee | Virginia, 2020
As homeschool graduates themselves, Kirk and Kristen Sosebee
were familiar with Virginia’s homeschooling law—and Kirk was an
attorney. All they had to do was notify their school district of their
intent to homeschool, providing their child’s name, age, and home
address. They submitted all the necessary paperwork on time.

But Franklin County School District added to these requirements, insisting that Kristen and Kirk Sosebee needed to provide
their child’s birth certificate and proof of residence on top of what
the state required. If they didn’t, the district threatened to take
action with “court intervention.”
HSLDA teamed up with the Sosebees to sue Franklin County
School District, arguing that the local district’s policy wasn’t just a confusing addition to the state’s homeschool regulation—it was an illegal one,
since only the state legislature can add to state law.[9]
The Supreme Court of
Virginia agreed with us, adding that the law allowed the board to adopt policies
“for the supervision of public schools, not home instruction.”
A Homeschooling Hall of Heroes
The space here only allows for seven brief stories. But there are so many more brave parents who also risked personal comfort and security—more than we can recount. We know that the following list is incomplete, but we want to acknowledge and thank that following families for their part in courageously standing up for the homeschool freedoms we enjoy today.
ARIZONA | John and Tiffany Loudermilk | Loudermilk v.
Arpaio, 592 Fed. Appx. 596 (9th Cir. 2015)
IOWA | Greg and Karen Trucke | State v. Trucke, 410
N.W.2d 242 (1987)
MAINE | Sammy and Susan Pelletier | Pelletier v. Maine
Principals’ Association, 261 F.Supp.2d 10 (D. Maine 2003)
MARYLAND | Lydia Goulart, Kyle Travers | Goulart v.
Meadows, 345 F.3d 239 (4th Cir. 2003)
MASSACHUSETTS | Michael and Virginia Brunelle,
Stephen and Lois Pustell | Brunelle v. Lynn Public Schools,
428 Mass. 512 (1998)
NEW YORK | Joseph and Karen Durkee | Durkee v. Livonia
Central School District, 487 F.Supp.2nd 313 (W.D. N.Y. 2007)
NORTH DAKOTA | Gerald and Sheryl Lund, Richard and
Kathy Reimche | State v. Lund, 424 N.W.2d 645 (N.D.
1988) • Lawrence and Deborah Anderson | State v. Anderson, 427 N.W.2d 316 (N.D. 1988) • Jonathan and Diana
Melin, State v. Melin, 428 N.W.2d 227 (N.D. 1988) • Joseph and Renee
Van Inwagen | Van Inwagen v. Sanstead, 440 N.W.2d 513
(N.D. 1989) • Gary and Nancy Brewer | State v. Brewer, 444
N.W.2d 923 (N.D. 1989) • Chris and Neil Toman | State v.
Toman, 436 N.W.2d 10 (N.D. 1989) • Clinton and Judith Birst
| Birst v. Sanstead, 493 N.W.2d 690 (N.D. 1992)
OKLAHOMA | Lynn Stephen | Stephen v. Stephen, 937
P.2nd 92 (Okla. 1997)
PENNSYLVANIA | R.G. and S.G. | In re Petition to Compel
Cooperation with Child Abuse Investigation, 875 A.2d 365
(Pa. Super. Ct. 2005)
SOUTH CAROLINA | Timothy Lawrence, Richard and
Debora Kaiser, Maureen Deaton | Lawrence, et. al. v. South
Carolina State Board of Education, 306 S.C. 368 (1991)
VERMONT | T.M. | In re T.M., 171 Vt. 1 (2000)
[1] People v. DeJonge, 442 Mich. 266 (1993).
[2] Calabretta v. Floyd, 189 F.3d 808 (9th Cir. 1999).
[4] In re Stumbo, 357 N.C. 279 (2003).
[5] Romeike v. Holder, 718 F.3d 528 (6th Cir. 2013).
[6] Acevedo v. New York City Department of
Education (2019).
[7] Curry v. Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, 2020 WL 4820718 (W.D. Ky. 2020).
[9] Virginia, Sosebee v. Franklin County School
Board, 299 Va. 17 (2020).