Court Report

Weaving a Tapestry

Anne Bittner

HSLDA Compassion Senior Grant Administrator

About 10 years after HSLDA’s founding in 1983, we started to form an idea. What if HSLDA could encourage and support the greater homeschooling community by providing financial assistance to meet specific needs? This idea resulted in the official formation of the Home School Foundation, which began by offering grants to assist homeschooling organizations.

Then, in 2000, the foundation increased its reach to individual homeschooling families when a donor with a heart for widows offered a sizeable gift to help bereaved children and spouses. From there, the mission of offering grants to assist families grew to include children with special needs (2002), single parents and victims of disaster (2005), and military families (2012).

The foundation then merged with HSLDA in 2018, enabling us to offer these grants directly. In fiscal year 2022, we were privileged to give out nearly $1.9 million to homeschooling groups and families across the US and our territories.

For comparison, in 2002, that figure was $224,000. In 20 years, we have realized an 848% increase in grant funding. This is only possible because of caring donors and a loving God who answers prayer.

Seeing the bigger picture

The history of HSLDA’s grants tells the tenderhearted account of a small staff, a handful of committed donors, and thousands of children and parents. Through the generosity of HSLDA’s donors, we’ve had the honor of placing more than $13 million into the hands of homeschooling families in the past 40 years.

Like threads that weave together from behind to form a grand picture, we don’t always see the tapestry taking shape. But when parents email us or call in and share the struggles that were overcome when a grant check arrived in the mail, we catch a glimpse of the beautiful front side of their story taking its place in the tapestry.

One thread

Becky Joy, a 2007 grant recipient, recounted the resonating impact the grant funds have had on her family—16 years later.

One day in 2007, Becky’s husband told her he “didn’t feel well,” and went to lie down. But Becky felt that something wasn’t right: “I had a funny feeling and went to check on him just 15 minutes later.”

She found her husband slumped over on the bed, passed away from a pulmonary embolism—and just like that, the family lost a godly husband, a leader, and an adored father of eight children.

“He was self-employed, and so the kids would spend hours upon hours with him. They went with him to job sites, listened and learned from him, and developed a strong work ethic,” Becky shared.

Grief overwhelmed the family—and tight finances made the future of their homeschooling journey uncertain.

But Becky had great faith. She recalls finding strength in Psalm 119: “God is good, in times of despair and intense sorrow. I didn’t know how, but I knew He would take care of us.”

After losing her husband, a friend told her about a Widows Grant through the Home School Foundation and encouraged her to apply. Becky found new freedom in the learning materials she could offer her children because of the flexibility afforded by the grant.

Up until that time, they couldn’t afford to get creative with their curriculum. “We bought one style and used it with all the kids because that’s all we had to spend, even though it wasn’t the best curriculum for some of them. HSLDA’s grant gave me the opportunity to try options and find the best fit for my kids who were dealing with the trauma of losing their dad.”

The grant comforted Becky even beyond the newfound curriculum options: “The scholarships made me feel less alone. It encouraged me so much as a widow.”

Weaving it all together

Today, 16 years later, Becky is remarried and continues to homeschool her last child, having graduated the other seven who have gone on to occupations of their own interest, and who continue to uphold the strong faith and work ethic instilled by their father. Because they were granted funds that allowed them to homeschool through tragedy, they were able to withstand the storms and come through them stronger.

Becky's family

Becky Joy's family at her daughter's wedding

Just as she is not alone, Becky’s story—her thread in the tapestry—is not alone. For decades, HSLDA has given homeschooling families the confidence that someone has their back. And when a parent like Becky needs it the most, an HSLDA Compassion Grant has given her something else: hope.

We’re so grateful to each of our faithful donors who help us do this. Lord willing, we will continue to offer encouragement, assistance, confidence, and hope throughout the next 40 years!

Anne Bittner

HSLDA Compassion Senior Grant Administrator

Anne is a veteran homeschool mom helping financially struggling families obtain grants for their homeschooling needs.
