Court Report

Homeschooling: Then & Now

Homeschooling has changed dramatically since the ’80s. To celebrate and remember how far we’ve come, we’ve put together testimonies from members describing how they felt about homeschooling in each of the decades since HSLDA was founded.

The 1980s: What’s “homeschooling”?

Lynda F. | We joined in those beginning years! I was the only homeschooling mom I knew of in the beginning, and I endured a lot of flak from family and church people. We persevered, and all five of our kids now have college degrees. The kids continue to be close to one another even though they live far apart, and all have children of their own.

Laura W. | 1983 was a very important year for me. It was the year I began homeschooling. It was the year Michael Farris contacted my parents (my family was under a state umbrella program) to participate in a lawsuit against my state to legalize homeschooling. Because of God’s work through Mr. Farris and team, along with advocacy from parents like mine, homeschooling became legal in my state. I will be extremely grateful for HSLDA and my parents’ stand for all of my days. I am thankful every day for the privilege and freedom I have to homeschool my own children because of those who have fought and continue to fight for this freedom.

Number of Homeschoolers


Home School Court Report

Price of a Dozen Eggs


The 1990s: “Is that legal?”

Yvonne R. | I homeschooled my children in the 1990s and early 2000s. HSLDA gave me the peace of mind needed to homeschool at a time when people were still asking, “Is that legal?” I am glad to see they are still here to support homeschooling. I would not have homeschooled without them.

Linda H. R. | I homeschooled seven children through the late ’80s and early 2000s. So thankful that HSLDA was there to provide information and assist if we ever encountered legal action against us, in California. It gave us an added sense of peace. All of our children completed school and college and are making a difference in the world in a variety of ways.

Ellen S. S. | We were members of HSLDA in the ’90s, when you could go to jail for homeschooling. So glad HSLDA was there.

Matthew H. | We have been members of HSLDA since we started homeschooling in the 1990s. HSLDA is a great organization: they have given us peace of mind in the three different states that we have lived in while homeschooling all six of our children. Thanks, HSLDA!

Number of Homeschoolers


Home School Court Report

Price of a Dozen Eggs


The 2000s: Sure you can homeschool, but . . .

Melvin G. | We have completed our nearly 20 years of homeschooling, but we will continue to be HSLDA members for life. They were the key to one of our sons getting an amazing job that was being withheld because he was homeschooled. And they supported us in many more ways, big and small. They are forever on our checklist we give to parents starting their homeschool journey.

Amber H. | My parents were members of HSLDA when they raised and homeschooled my siblings and me through the ’90s and early ’00s. We had a note on the back of the door, from HSLDA, listing our rights and who to contact as a homeschooling family if a truancy officer came to the door. I’m now a proud HSLDA member myself, and homeschooling my three kids with so much less fear.

Sergio L. | HSLDA membership is totally worth it. When I tried to homeschool in North Carolina, the school district tried to give me the runaround and ask for things beyond what the law required. As soon as I let them know they were going to be hearing from HSLDA’s legal team, they found my paperwork—which they claimed had mysteriously vanished from their system.

Julie W. | I have homeschooled for about 20 years. I never really needed HSLDA except for small questions, but they were there for me. So worth it.

Number of Homeschoolers

1.1 million

Home School Court Report

Price of a Dozen Eggs


The 2010s: Are you sure homeschooling is the best option?

Demetria E. | HSLDA means peace of mind. We joined shortly after an autism spectrum diagnosis for our child. We joined HSLDA to ensure that we would have the legal support necessary to continue creating an appropriate education for our child. It has given us such peace of mind to know that HSLDA has been with us on our journey.

Jessica P. | The freedom to homeschool means for my family that we have gained enormous amounts of time together, to learn, to explore, to take trips, to grow and to keep learning. It means we can raise our children as we see fit, and it means we have time to teach what really matters.

Elizabeth P. | My son had been on an IEP since the 1st grade—and after six years of public school, he was only able to read at a 1st grade level and could barely write a coherent sentence! But after I started homeschooling him and working with him over the summer, his reading level advanced at least two grade levels. There are no distractions, we can focus on what he needs and wants—and best of all, he doesn’t feel rushed, embarrassed, or inadequate! His self-esteem is flourishing for the first time in his schooling! Homeschooling was the best decision ever!

Number of Homeschoolers

1.8 million

Home School Court Report

Price of a Dozen Eggs


The 2020s: You homeschool? So do I!

Elizabeth B. M. | We are a Navy family in our second year of homeschooling. It has been such a blessing to give my oldest something consistent in his life, especially when it’s something so vital to his future.

Ashley C. | I’m a mother of three! I work nightshifts as a nurse, and during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual school was never an option for us. Homeschooling has brought me such a sense of peace—it’s adaptable for my work schedule, and as long as I take some time to plan out a couple weeks, we do very well.

Miles K. | I am a single dad who homeschooled his two children from grades 3 to 12 while working in IT at home. We accomplished more in an average morning than their ex-classmates accomplished all day in a remote classroom. Homeschooling is a memory that we will always cherish.

Tiffany R. | I didn’t think I could homeschool. Then COVID-19 and life happened, and now I can’t see doing it any other way

Number of Homeschoolers

4 million+

Home School Court Report

Price of a Dozen Eggs

