
141 results for   life skills

Homeschooling is a growing education movement with several unique characteristics:

  • Parents or guardians are the primary directors of their child’s education and can tailor it to meet their child’s unique educational needs.
  • Education encompasses more than just “academics.” Homeschooling allows parents to incorporate real-life skills and disciplines into their child’s education as they weave studies into daily life.
  • Most learning takes place within the home. While homeschool families can certainly supplement education with learning outside of the home through homeschool groups, tutors, or online courses, primary education occurs in the context of the home.

Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and parents have a lot of liberty to make educational choices. However, they still must comply with their state’s homeschool laws.  

Interested in learning more about homeschooling? Read more.


Special Needs Curriculum List (High School)

Curriculum for special needs high schoolers including complete curriculums, popular subjects (math, reading, science), life skills, and college prep options.

High School & Beyond—Special Needs

You can provide a personalized educational experience that addresses your teen’s struggles and equips them with the skills and confidence for learning and for life!

‘Denied Any Real Academics’: Homeschooling Opens Door for Nonspeaker

Aydan’s public school confined him to a “life skills” track. But his mom, April, was confident he was capable of more. Now Aydan is preparing for college.

Special Needs Curriculum Lists

Curriculum for special needs including complete curriculums, popular subjects (math, reading, history, science), diagnosis-specific curriculum (autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia), life skills, and college prep options.

Beyond Academics: Is Your Homeschool Teen Well-Rounded?

Are extracurricular activities important for homeschool students? What are best picks for your teen? Watch this webinar!

Can I Homeschool and Work Full-time?

Can you work full-time and homeschool your kids? Yes! Learn the essentials, creative scheduling, and practical solutions in this free webinar!

Meeting My Child’s Special Needs Part 1

Learn how to develop a comprehensive Student Education Plan (SEP) that meets your child's unique needs.

How to Assess Your Child’s Present Level of Performance (PLOP)

Learn how to assess your child with special needs so that you have a baseline of their performance to build from. Homeschool help for special needs families.

Special Needs Curriculum List (K–12)

Comprehensive list of curriculum for special needs including complete curriculums, diagnosis-specific curriculum (autism, dyslexia), and popular subjects (math, reading, history, science).

Choosing Courage
