Clearly, there is not just ONE way to homeschool your teen. Likewise, there is not a one-size-fits-all curriculum that will fit all teens either. Different academic strengths and academic needs often warrant different curriculum options. 

Contrary to what many people believe, many learners with special needs don't need modifications to the content of a curriculum. Oftentimes, teens just need adjustments to the format or readability level. So, what should you look for if you have a learner with special needs?  

As you explore different options, look for curricula that includes: 

  • Larger font sizes 
  • More white space on the page 
  • Simpler vocabulary 
  • Shorter content within a lesson 
  • Shorter quizzes or assessments 

Complete Curriculum

As implied in the name, “complete curriculum” typically comes with everything (or almost everything) that you need, though you may always adapt or add to the curriculum to accommodate to the level of your student. 

Here are some tried-and-true curricula options for teens with special needs*: