
109 results for   Category: Homeschool Life


Recordkeeping Tools

How will you tell your child’s educational story? Here are a few options . . . Three-ring binders, photo albums, file folders, online recordkeeping services

Herramientas para la gestión de registros educativos

¿Cómo contará la historia educacional de su hijo? Aquí hay algunas opciones… álbumes de fotos, portafolios, archivadores y plataformas en línea para almacenar registros.

11 Tips for More Efficient Homeschooling Q&A

Best homeschooling tips and hacks + dinner + laundry? Get tools and encouragement from 2 seasoned homeschool mamas (10 kids, 17 kids): watch this free webinar!

Siblings Hop Their Way to National Jump-Rope Trophies


Summer Vacation (with Modification)

During this summer vacation, you can confirm what your family enjoys and what doesn’t work at all. You’ll also get an idea of what you can do on your own, and what you’ll need help with. This will be good practice for when homeschool starts again.

Bringing the FUN into Midwinter Homeschooling!

Want more discovery, delight, and rejuvenation in your homeschool? Keep midwinter learning fresh and joy-filled for your whole family: watch webinar!

Introducing Rachelle Reitz to the Blog!

Breaking the Ice and Tadpole Funerals

Introducing Jessica Cole to the Blog!

"I had seen firsthand that homeschooling works, and I knew without a doubt that it was what I wanted for my children. But . . . I was also very aware of the fact that this was not going to be as easy as my parents had made it look."

Teacher Hats and Parent-Child Relationships | Ep. 43

Are you finding yourself in a season where you and your family are being stretched—or maybe even stressed—more than ever before?

Supporting Your Child During the Quarantine | Ep. 42

Is your child feeling unsettled, or even traumatized? Listen in as Candice Dugger describes practical ways you can provide reassurance and healing for your child through safety, structure, and support.