
352 results for   Category: News


Officials Tell Homeschooled Twins They Can’t Join Cross Country Team

These sisters started homeschooling through a hybrid program in 2020. Two years later, they applied under their state’s law to participate in the local public school’s extra-curricular activities. But officials said no.

Thousands Urge South African Parliament to Protect Homeschooling

The South African National Assembly recently received thousands of letters opposing a sweeping bill that would severely restrict homeschooling. Lawmakers are now considering whether to have experts testify—including an HSLDA attorney.

Parents Stand up to School Board out of Conviction

This military family values the importance of following regulations. But when a homeschool learning mandate misconstrued the law, they pushed back.

They Grew Up Under Communism, Now You Help Their Kids Homeschool in Freedom

With her background, Yelena never could have imagined being where she is today, and she is thrilled by the grant she received. “I am able to give my children a Christian education. How blessed we are!”

A Seat at the Table: Harvard Includes HSLDA, Homeschool Parents in Conference

An upcoming conference at Harvard University offers an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in homeschooling to explore its astounding growth—and gain insight into ways for shaping its future. Registration is free to the public.

Grandparents Help Busy Family Make Homeschooling Work

With both parents engaged in demanding careers, this family needed help when they switched to homeschooling. So they called in a retired teacher and her husband—who also happen to be the children’s grandparents.

Will New US Ed Secretary Support Homeschooling?

Miguel Cardona has a record of standing up to interest groups and focusing on what’s best for students. He’ll face even more pressure as secretary of education.

Day-Late Paperwork Lands Grandma on Abuse Registry. Seriously?

A death in the family put this grandmother behind in filing a notice of intent and a quarterly report for the grandchildren she homeschools. CPS investigators said this amounted to maltreatment.

Time to Study: College Board Offers New Test Day

On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, homeschoolers often got the short end of the testing stick. The College Board has introduced a significant change to help remedy the problem.

How This Homeschool Teen Turns Roblox into Real-World Skills

Looking for something fun she could do from home during the pandemic, this teen joined an online game community with over 200 million players. Online she learned real-life skills like marketing, managing a team, and designing art and clothing.