ARTICLE Where Will We Homeschool? Creating My Child’s Learning Environment Does the “home” in homeschool make you feel claustrophobic? Don’t worry—“homeschool” doesn’t mean “homebound”!
BLOG A Summer Summary When everything gets cancelled during the summer, sometimes you just have to laugh about it. That's what this homeschool family did.
BLOG All in the Family: Experiences with Adoption, An Interview with Joel Grewe "I think the understating of it was part of its success. It was never a thing that I felt argued to believe, it was just ‘gravity exists, the sky is blue, you’re adopted, and God loves you—and so do we. And He chose you, and so did we.’”
BLOG Confessions of a Homeschool Mom Hint: Not all homeschool moms enjoy or the same thing or homeschool the same way. And that’s ok!
BLOG Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Food-Free, and Other Diet Stories On a special diet? Here are 3 gluten-free, dairy-free recipes!
BLOG Honoring Our Heritage Teaching our children about heritage has a profoundly grounding and encouraging effect.