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When HSLDA chooses to represent a member family whose right to homeschool has been challenged by government officials, there are no charges of any kind. HSLDA pays in full all attorney fees (including those for local attorneys hired to appear with us in any state courts where HSLDA attorneys are not licensed to practice law), expert witness fees, court transcript costs, travel expenses, and all other court costs permissible by state law for us to pay. There are no additional fees or hidden costs.

HSLDA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt, religious, membership organization that advocates for homeschooling, defends the civil rights of homeschoolers, and provides assistance to homeschoolers in hard times. We are governed by a board and no profits inure to the benefit of any employees or board members. Membership dues are not tax-deductible, but as a 501(c)(3), we are able to receive tax-deductible donations. Learn more about HSLDA here.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, HSLDA does not directly or indirectly participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.

Our sister organization, HSLDA Action, is a 501(c)(4) organization and is permitted to endorse political candidates and engage in lobbying that is germane to its purposes. HSLDA Action’s Political Action Committee endorses candidates who support homeschool freedom and lobbies on behalf of homeschool freedom.

The answer depends on the laws of that country, since a country’s education laws apply to all children who reside there, whether or not they are citizens. Start by contacting the HSLDA Global Outreach team by emailing us at or calling us at 540-338-5600. We have information on homeschooling laws in many countries where such laws exist and insight into the general educational climate in many other countries. Even if homeschooling is not explicitly recognized by law, it may still be possible to homeschool. We may also be able to connect you with a homeschooling family or support organization in the country.

Always contact HSLDA before speaking with any foreign country’s officials regarding home education.

Military families stationed in a foreign country with which the United States has entered into a treaty (for example, NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) may have different legal protections than are available to civilians or contractors. Again, contact HSLDA for advice in this or any other situation involving homeschooling overseas.


La historia de HSLDA

Cuando Mike Farris (abogado y educador en casa) comenzó a recibir llamadas telefónicas de otras familias educadoras en casa que buscaban representación legal, se dio cuenta que este era un problema más grande y que no podría resolverlo por sí mismo.

Nuestra misión

Por qué hacemos lo que hacemos 

Our Mission

For over 35 years, HSLDA has worked to make homeschooling possible for every family that wants to do it. And we’ll continue to make it possible for as long as we’re around.

History of HSLDA

In the early 1980s, when Mike Farris—an attorney and homeschooling dad—started getting calls from other homeschooling families looking for legal representation, he quickly realized that this was bigger problem than he could solve on his own.

Who We Are

HSLDA is a non-profit advocacy organization that makes homeschooling possible by protecting homeschooling families and equipping them to provide the best educational experience for their children.

Quiénes somos


What We Do

We do a lot of different things, but it’s all motivated by our desire to help children thrive and succeed through homeschooling. Here’s an overview of our main areas of work.

Qué hacemos

Hacemos muchas cosas distintas y todas están motivadas por nuestro deseo de apoyar a los niños a crecer y triunfar a través de la educación en casa. Conozca nuestras principales áreas de trabajo.

Our Related Organizations

As you get to know HSLDA, you may come across other organizations that seem to be related to us in some way. Here’s a guide to HSLDA’s relationship with these groups.

What Is Freedom For?

What does homeschooling look like? Every family is beautiful and unique—here’s a quick glimpse of how freedom enables every family to homeschool in the way that’s best for their children.