As you get to know HSLDA, you may come across other organizations that seem to be related to us in some way. Here’s a guide to HSLDA’s relationship with these groups.

HSLDA Action

Our 501(c)(4) non-profit sister organization, HSLDA Action, exists to protect and advance the freedoms of homeschooling families through Political Action Committees (PACs), lobbying, grassroots activism, and citizen education. HSLDA Action is a distinct organization from HSLDA and operates using its own funds; no HSLDA donations or membership dues are used to fund HSLDA Action activities.

Generation Joshua

A division of HSLDA Action and founded in 2004, Generation Joshua provides teens with hands-on education in citizenship, leadership, and civics through activities such as voter registration drives and leadership camps. GenJ is entirely funded by HSLDA Action.

Launched by HSLDA in 2007, is a separate nonprofit organization that seeks to protect children by empowering parents.

Patrick Henry College

In 2000, HSLDA helped start Patrick Henry College, bringing to life HSLDA founder Mike Farris’s vision of applying selected key strengths of the modern K–12 homeschool model at the college level. PHC combines a classical Christian liberal arts education with a strong hands-on internship component, equipping graduates to lead effectively and make a positive impact wherever they go. The college is known for its national moot court championships.

HSLDA Canada

We helped our neighbors to the north establish their own national homeschool legal advocacy association in 1991. Although it has a similar name and mission, HSLDA Canada is a separate organization from HSLDA in the United States.

Global Home Education Exchange (GHEX)

The Global Home Education Exchange (“GHEX”) works to advance, connect, and equip the global home education community through international conferences, supporting research, organizational development, and national and international public policy advocacy. With board members from every continent, GHEX seeks to promote favorable policy outcomes, to assist homeschooling organizations and to facilitate international communication. GHEX supports the right of every family to homeschool as a fundamental human right regardless of motivation or methodology.