
10 results for   Category: Homeschool Alumni


Letters Deluge Harvard Magazine with Tales of Homeschool Success

The letters praise homeschooling with the authentic voice of those who have seen how the educational option has benefited their own families.

Don’t Ban Homeschooling Based on Stereotypes

Homeschooling is one of the best things that has happened to me, in part because it allowed my parents to teach moral and religious values right along with academic and hands-on instruction.

Keep Homeschooling Free

An HSLDA attorney tells why as a teen he asked his parents to homeschool him, describes how effective the educational option is and explores why it should not be banned.

Helping Bret Get into Lineman School

Though homeschool graduates are considered prize recruits by many colleges and universities, trade schools can sometimes reluctant to accept them. That’s when HSLDA’s help can make a big difference.

In Defense of Homeschooling: Writers Respond to Harvard Prof's Call for a Ban

Harvard graduates, journalists, researchers, advocates, and other friends of homeschooling pointed out how Bartholet’s views mischaracterize the movement and threaten freedom.

Introducing new series: HSLDA’s Response to Harvard Professor Bartholet

Bartholet's Harvard Magazine article recites the opinion that homeschooling is not only a health and safety risk for children but also a threat to society—and that homeschooled kids could become enemies of the state. HSLDA responds.

Barrier To Law Enforcement Job Removed

A homeschool graduate seeking a law enforcement job in southern Maryland hit a roadblock. We helped clear the path.

Say No to Harvard—Keep Homeschool Freedom for Kids

A Harvard professor’s call for banning homeschooling has resurrected old criticisms. Here’s how we’re responding and what you can do, too.

Homeschooler with Autism earns Employee of the Month

Who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Joven con autismo, educado en casa, es nombrado empleado del mes

¿A quién no le gustan los finales felices?