
11 results for   Category: Parents of Special Needs Children


Don’t Go It Alone! Support for Special Needs Homeschooling

Homeschooling children with special needs—it’s rewarding, but can be exhausting . . . and sometimes lonely. Feeling isolated? Please know that you are not alone! Here are some great tips to connect with caring community and support.

¡No lo haga sola! Apoyo para educar a niños con necesidades especiales en casa

Desde grupos de apoyo locales, cafecitos, retiros familiares, hasta comunidades en línea: ¡siéntase respaldada por un fuerte apoyo!

Navigating Therapy Options for Your Homeschool

Homeschooling a child who finds learning very hard or has special needs? Great news: You can use at-home and/or outsourced therapies to make the learning process easier and more rewarding for your child!

How a Teen with Asperger’s Became an Entrepreneur

He used to avoid talking with people. Now he’s a spokesperson for how homeschooling can help other struggling students.

El adolescente con Asperger que se convirtió en emprendedor

Solía evitar hablar con las personas. Ahora es un portavoz de cómo la educación en casa puede ayudar a otros estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje.

3 Essential Steps to Protect Your Special Needs Homeschool

Here are the best practices HSLDA recommends to give your special needs homeschool a solid legal foundation.

3 pasos esenciales para proteger su escuela con necesidades especiales

Conozca las recomendaciones de HSLDA para que su escuela en casa tenga una base legal sólida.

Homeschooler with Autism earns Employee of the Month

Who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Joven con autismo, educado en casa, es nombrado empleado del mes

¿A quién no le gustan los finales felices?

4 Tests to Discover What Your Child Needs to Learn

These tests can serve as a benchmark for you each year to see how your child is doing. 