On April 15-16, 2019 Cuban authorities arrested and detained three homeschooling parents including Adya, the wife of Pastor Ramón Rigal. Ramón was previously arrested on March 22 and charged for the second time. In 2017 Ramón was sentenced to a year of hard labor and his wife to house arrest because of homeschooling. Ramón, Adya and their two children recently tried to leave Cuba. Authorities had encouraged them to go, but they abruptly changed their minds and prevented the Rigals from leaving—after HSLDA had booked travel for the family. Golquis Almaguer and his wife have also been imprisoned for homeschooling. Almaguer, a member of Ramón’s congregation, was sentenced to one year in prison.

Ways You Can Help


When you give to the Homeschool Freedom Fund, you help protect the freedom to homeschool.


Commit yourself to ongoing prayer for homeschoolers under persecution. As you enjoy the ability to direct your child’s education, pray for those who do not have the same freedom.

Stay Informed

Be a part of the movement to protect and secure the future of homeschooling. Read the latest updates and ask your friends to contact their elected officials.