Taiwan Flag

Compulsory Education Age

Children in grades 1–9, ages 6–15

Estimated Number of Homeschoolers


Legal Status

Homeschooling has been legal in Taiwan since June 24, 1999, and foreign nationals may homeschool without restriction. The Law for Non-School Mode of Experimental Education for Senior Secondary Education and Below (2014.11.19 hereinafter the “non-school law”) governs homeschooling. Parents must apply to the local educational authority of their household registration or place of residence to homeschool their children no later than April 30 or October 30 before the semester begins.

Those who have completed homeschooling in Primary and Junior Secondary education will receive a graduation diploma from their district schools, and those who complete Senior Secondary homeschooling will receive a certificate of completion which entitles them to enter universities in Taiwan. While foreign nationals are not required to apply to homeschool their children in Taiwan, it may be in their advantage to do so if they want their homeschooling to be recognized by universities in Taiwan and abroad.

There are three types of homeschooling in Taiwan:

  • Individuals are parents who apply to teach their own kids,
  • Groups operate like co-ops sharing the same curriculum for up to 30 children, and
  • Institutions are small private schooling.

Contact Information


Chinese Christian Home Educators Association (in Taiwan)

Website: www.mujen.org.tw
Contact: Mrs. Chuo-chuin Fan and Steven Huang
Email: mujen.hs@gmail.com

Additional Resources

 Chen Hui-jie Runs a Political Campaign—at Age 16

A teenaged girl in Taiwan serves as a campaign manager for a city council candidate, and provides a model of civic activism for cynical teens.

 New Homeschooling Law

The Legislative Yuan passed a new homeschooling law in November 2014, marking a new chapter in the protection of parental choice in education in Taiwan.

 Homeschooling in Taiwan: Interview with Chen Yiguang Tim Chen, Wei Duoli Dorota Chen-Wernik

Homeschool parents in Taiwan and author of the book "My family is an international school" share their experience on Taiwan Outlook

 Zofia's Homeschooling Experience: Interview with Homeschool Student

A Taiwanese homeschooled student is interviewed by Taiwan Outlook.