If you haven’t done it before, this year is the perfect time to participate in something that could make a difference for future generations—rally with parents, grandparents, and a host of homeschooled kids at your state capitol.
Homeschool capitol days combine civics lessons, community-building, and legislative activism into one big family-friendly event. They can also be a great way to get acquainted with your Home School Legal Defense Association attorney.
Members of our legal team have been invited to speak at upcoming capitol day events in several states. In 2025, they will be warning of the dangers posed by a model bill called the “Make Homeschool Safe Act” (MHSA).
Homeschool capitol days provide homeschooling families an effective way to build relationships with lawmakers, before their political influence is needed. Thankfully, only a few states have introduced legislation influenced by the MHSA so far.
HSLDA partners with state organizations in a number of ways, all with the aim of informing and defending homeschool families. And we encourage our members to join their state organizations as a means of strengthening the movement. You can use our online search tool to find your state org.
Where & When
April 10
Homeschool Alabama Capitol Day Adventure
HSLDA Attorney: Samuel Johnson
Distinctive: Features student field trips and cookie deliveries to lawmakers.
April 17
SAH Alabama Home Education Day
HSLDA Attorney: Samuel Johnson
Distinctive: Homeschoolers can access State-House Galleries to watch the Alabama legislature in session.
February 20
AFHE Homeschool Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Kevin Boden
Distinctive: Great opportunity to connect with an advocate who is a homeschooling dad and serves with the Alaska Air National Guard JAG office.
January 29-30
CHEA of California and FPM Capitol Day
HSLDA Attorney: Will Estrada
Distinctive: To prepare families for capitol day, FPM provides in-person training and online videos.
April 17
FPEA Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Tj Schmidt
Distinctive: Event includes tours of the Capitol building and speeches.
March 6
ICHE Cherry Pie Day
HSLDA Attorney: Will Estrada
Distinctive: Families will gather at the statehouse to distribute pies.
April 9
Homeschoolers of Maine Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Scott Woodruff
Distinctive: Great opportunity to connect with an advocate who is a veteran homeschool dad and director of HSLDA’s legal team.
March 13
MACHE Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Will Estrada
Distinctive: Families can show solidarity by ordering matching T-shirts ahead of the event.
October 1
MICHN Homeschooling “Day at the Dome”
HSLDA Attorney: Samuel Johnson
Distinctive: Great opportunity to connect with an advocate who is a Michigan native and homeschooling dad.
February 13
MÂCHÉ Homeschool Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Amy Buchmeyer
Distinctive: Great opportunity to connect with an advocate who is a homeschool alum and assists member families in the state.
North Dakota
March 18
NDHSA Homeschool Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Kevin Boden
Distinctive: Share baked goods with legislators and tour the statehouse.
February 11
NCHEA Capitol Day
HSLDA Attorney: Will Estrada
Distinctive: Long-term advocacy (established in part through annual capitol days) helped push through major reform to Nebraska’s homeschool law in 2024.
New York
May 14-15
Homeschool New York Legislative Day
HSLDA Attorney: Will Estrada
Distinctive: Homeschooled teens visit the offices of every state senator and representative.
February 4
Homeschool Oklahoma Capitol Day
HSLDA Attorney: Tj Schmidt
Distinctive: Great opportunity to connect with a homeschool dad who advocates for members in the Sooner state.
April 15
CHAP Homeschool Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Will Estrada
Distinctive: Great opportunity to connect with an advocate who is a Pennsylvania native and homeschooling dad.
South Dakota
January 23
FAIRSD Annual Day at the Capitol
HSLDA Attorney: Kevin Boden
Distinctive: Features lunch with legislators and a musical performance by homeschool students.
March 25
THEA Capitol Hill Rally & Reception Day
HSLDA Attorney: Will Estrada
Distinctive: Homeschool students prepare exhibits to display to state legislators.
February 19
UTCH Capitol Day
HSLDA Attorney: Peter Kamakawiwoole
Distinctive: Several bills have already been filed that would amend Utah’s homeschool statute—learn more about these measures, and build relationships with your elected officials!
April 7
Wisconsin Homeschool Capitol Day
HSLDA Attorney: Amy Buchmeyer
Distinctive: Look forward to starting the day with a hymn sing and devotional, setting the tone for fellowship and encouragement.