Rhode Island law specifically refers to homeschooling in R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-19-2. To homeschool under this statute, you’ll need to follow these guidelines.
1. Submit a notice of intent and obtain approval to homeschool.
You must submit a notice of intent to the local school committee in the school district where your child resides. The notice (or letter) of intent must include information assuring that you will teach the same number of days as the public school, teach the subjects listed below, and maintain an attendance register. A notice of intent form is available for HSLDA members below.
2. Provide the required period of instruction.
You must teach your children the same number of days that public school students are taught. In Rhode Island, this amounts to 180 days of instruction during your school year.
3. Teach the required subjects.
You must provide instruction in reading, writing, geography, arithmetic, health, and physical education, as well as the history of the United States, the history of Rhode Island, and the principles of American government (collectively, civics).
4. Keep an attendance register.
You must keep and maintain an attendance register and make it available to the school committee at the conclusion of your school year.
5. Review any additional local district requirements.
Beyond the above general requirements, many school committees have also adopted local homeschool policies, which may ask for additional information or include additional requirements. Once you submit your notice of intent to your local school committee, the committee should contact you afterward if they wish for you to meet any further requirements other than those listed above.
If you are considering moving to Rhode Island, are moving to a different school district in Rhode Island, or are asked by your school committee to comply with requirements that are different from the above, HSLDA encourages our members to contact us so we can assist you with your particular situation.
Please note: The information on this page has been reviewed by an attorney, but it should not be taken as legal advice specific to your individual situation.