Why is it so important? Good records equip your student with proof of education for continuing their education, entering the military, or passing an employer’s background check. It may also prove valuable if there are ever any questions about your homeschool.

Rhode Island requires that you keep and maintain an attendance register and make it available to the school committee at the conclusion of your school year. Many school committees have also adopted local homeschool policies, which may ask for additional information. If you are asked by your school committee to provide additional records not listed above, HSLDA encourages our members to contact us so we can assist you with your particular situation.

In addition to state-required records, you should keep the following important records for your homeschool:

  • Attendance records
  • Information on the textbooks and workbooks your student used
  • Samples of your student’s schoolwork
  • Correspondence with school officials
  • Portfolios and test results
  • Any other documents showing that your child is receiving an appropriate education in compliance with the law

You should maintain these records for at least two years.

You should also keep your student’s high school records and proof of compliance with the home education laws during the high school years (including any type of home education notice that you file with state or local officials) on file forever.