
23 results for   educational specialists

HSLDA offered one-on-one consulting as a part of our member benefits until April 2024.

We then began transitioning to offering exclusive how-to-homeschool guidance via member-only webinars, master classes, articles, and other resources that can be accessed 24/7 on our website. We still have a team of Educational Specialists that produce exclusive content for our members and speak at events.

Our decision to move away from educational consulting arose from the tremendous growth of homeschooling since 2020. New sources of consulting and support are developing for home-educating families as more parents realize, “I can homeschool, too!” At the same time, with homeschooling’s rising profile, we are seeing increased scrutiny by legislatures and the media.

HSLDA’s core mission has always been legal advocacy for homeschool freedom. As new challenges to this freedom emerge, we want to sharpen and strengthen our advocacy: from defending member families whose right to homeschool is being challenged, to supporting favorable legislation, to encouraging research about homeschooling’s benefits, to representing homeschooling to journalists and the media, to building solidarity with homeschoolers around the globe.

Be assured that our legal consulting will continue. This has been our mainstay member benefit since our founding in 1983. It’s even in our name: Home School Legal Defense Association! You can always call or email with your homeschooling-related legal questions, and a member of our legal team will provide personal assistance.


Our People


The Fight for Educational Freedom in Lithuania

Lithuanian lawmakers are considering legislation that could make homeschooling legal in the Baltic nation. Meanwhile, families who are currently homeschooling face threats and harassment

Carla Fuller

Invite Carla Fuller to speak at your event!

Karim Morato, MEd

Invite Karim Morato to speak for your event!

Inspiring Your Reluctant Reader!

Want to raise confident readers? Kids who dig into books and can’t turn off the light? Homeschool moms, see webinar: simple, effective solutions, reading specialist!

Experimental Education in Taiwan

A parent who is also a member of Taiwan’s parliament reports on how experimental education—which includes homeschooling—is growing on the island.

Navigating Therapy Options for Your Homeschool

Homeschooling a child who finds learning very hard or has special needs? Great news: You can use at-home and/or outsourced therapies to make the learning process easier and more rewarding for your child!

State Law Causing Headache for Homeschoolers with Special Needs

A unique special education law is leading to harassment for some families who leave public schools to homeschool.

Is My Child Struggling with a Mild Difficulty or a Learning Disability?

If you have a struggling learner, homeschooling gives you tremendous freedom to adjust their learning experience—but how do you determine their level of need? Read on . . .

ACT and SAT Testing Accommodations: What You Need to Know
