
13 results for   Category: Essentials for Starting Strong


Ready? Set Your Homeschool GPS!

How to set a personalized course for your homeschool journey . . . We walk you through identifying the what, why, and how of your family's homeschool!

¿Listo? ¡Configure su GPS para educar en casa!

Cómo fijar un rumbo personalizado para su recorrido por la educación en el hogar… ¡aquí le guiamos paso a paso en identificar el qué, el porqué y el cómo de la educación en casa de su familia!

What’s My Teaching Style?

Discover your teaching style by asking questions such as: What kind of scheduling works best for me? Do I like everything planned out or enjoy winging it sometimes? What’s my personality type? This a key to building your personal homeschool GPS!

7 Simple Steps to Start Homeschooling

Thinking about starting homeschooling? Here’s the 7 simple steps you need to get started.

Is Homeschooling a Good Fit for My Child?

Great question! Why not hear from someone who's living the experience? Find out what homeschooling parents and students have to say...

¿Cuál es mi estilo de enseñanza?

Descubra su estilo de enseñanza: ¿qué tipo de horario me funciona mejor?, ¿me gusta que todo esté planeado o prefiero improvisar de vez en cuando?, ¿cuál es mi tipo de personalidad? ¡Todo esto es clave para orientar su educación en casa!

7 pasos sencillos para iniciar la educación en casa

¿Está considerando empezar a educar en el hogar? Aquí le compartimos 7 pasos sencillos para comenzar.

Minnesota Homeschool Notice Forms

In Minnesota, homeschool educators should notify their local public school superintendent when they initially begin homeschooling, each year they intend to continue homeschooling, and in the event of a move while homeschooling.

Formularios de aviso para educar en el hogar en Minnesota


What’s My Child’s Learning Preference?

How does your child best absorb, comprehend, and retain new information and skills? Identifying their learning preference(s) is key to establishing your personal homeschool GPS and finding the curriculum that fits them best.