
194 results for   homeschooling works


Will Estrada, Esq.

Will Estrada, Esq., is an attorney and homeschooling dad who works to make homeschooling possible for thousands of homeschool families.

1.5 Billion Children, 190 Countries—All Learning at Home

With 90 percent of the world’s schoolchildren now learning at home, education leaders want their parents to know that homeschooling works.

Rachelle Reitz

Rachelle is wife to Michael and homeschooling mom to Ben, Kyrie, & Evie. She works part-time as a travel coordinator for non-profit organizations, and enjoys reading, writing, and ancestry research.

Olga Evelyn Kyazze

Olga Evelyn Kyazze is a homeschooling mother in her native country of Uganda. Together with her husband, Godfrey, she works to support other Ugandan homeschoolers through developing curriculum from a biblical worldview.

Answers to Your Most Pressing Homeschooling Questions

Are you considering homeschooling and wondering if it works? Let’s tackle some of the questions that come up first.

Introducing Jessica Cole to the Blog!

"I had seen firsthand that homeschooling works, and I knew without a doubt that it was what I wanted for my children. But . . . I was also very aware of the fact that this was not going to be as easy as my parents had made it look."

Thinking about Homeschooling?

Curious about homeschooling? Wondering... What does it require? Am I qualified? What about socialization? Can I work and homeschool? Watch this webinar!

9 Tips for Homeschooling in the Military Q&A

Is it legal? How to connect? What about support when PCSing? Watch this free webinar to get an insider’s scoop on homeschooling in the military!

A Fond Farewell from Mike Donnelly!

Michael P. Donnelly announced his departure in January in an all-staff meeting. Mike's next calling is serving as the vice president of the Yes. Every Kid. Foundation.

The Answer is (HSLDA) Action

HSLDA and HSLDA Action are still sister organizations, under the same leadership, both sharing the goal of protecting and expanding homeschool freedom.