
136 results for   Category: Community

HSLDA understands that private therapeutic services can add up quickly. And we know that you are committed to providing the best education possible for your child no matter the cost.

That’s why HSLDA offers Curriculum Grants to homeschooling families in need of private services. You can learn more and apply for a grant here.

Other local, state, and national organizations also offer assistance to families needing help with private services for their children.

Supporting Families with Special Needs

Resources for State Organizations

Six Ways Your Group Can Make and Save Money with HSLDA

If your homeschool group is like most, it runs on a tight budget. Stretch your resources further with these HSLDA money-saving opportunities!


HSLDA offered homeschooled students the opportunity to hone their skills in a fun and creative setting with quarterly contests in art, poetry, photography, and essay writing.

Digital Tools for Promoting HSLDA Membership

As a leader of a homeschool group, you can promote HSLDA membership with these ready-to-use graphics, emails, social media posts, and text blurbs.

“The Little Push We Needed”: Homeschool Mom on HSLDA’s Grants

Jessica Rivas left her job to homeschool her first child, Pablito, during his preschool years, but she thought financial struggles would keep her from homeschooling him through elementary school.

«El empujoncito que necesitábamos»: becas de HSLDA al rescate de mamá

Jessica Rivas dejó su trabajo para educar a su primer hijo en casa durante prescolar; pero dificultades económicas le llevaron a pensar que no podría continuar educándolo durante la primaria.

How Churches Can Support Homeschool Groups

We frequently receive questions about how churches can help support homeschool families. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

Cómo solicitar una Beca de Currículo

Las becas de currículo ayudan a familias con dificultades económicas a cubrir gastos educativos 

Cómo pueden las iglesias apoyar a los grupos de educación en casa


How Homeschool Groups Creatively Serve Their Communities

A social media poll led to a discussion about the various ways homeschool groups give back to their communities. The answers might surprise you!