
153 results for   Category: Special Needs

HSLDA understands that private therapeutic services can add up quickly. And we know that you are committed to providing the best education possible for your child no matter the cost.

That’s why HSLDA offers Curriculum Grants to homeschooling families in need of private services. You can learn more and apply for a grant here.

Other local, state, and national organizations also offer assistance to families needing help with private services for their children.

Tips for Conquering the Fear of Labels

Has your homeschooled child been diagnosed with a disability? Are you concerned about the impact of that label on your child? Disability diagnosis does not have to define your child as a human being! Learn more.

What Are Accommodations? Could They Help My Child Learn?

Matching the appropriate accommodation to your child’s learning need is often the key to their educational success!

How to Adapt Any Curriculum to Your Child’s Special Needs

Did you know you can adapt almost any homeschool curriculum to meet your child’s special needs? Learn how to offer accommodations like supplemental materials or assistive technology—and to adjust the pace, order, or intensity of curriculum.

¿Está considerando educar a su hijo con necesidades especiales en casa?

¡Repasemos varias preguntas importantes y consideremos algunos pasos a seguir!

What’s an SEP / IEP / ISP?

You’ve decided to homeschool your special needs child. Now you have to figure out the “how”! The questions can be overwhelming, but a homeschool student education plan (SEP) can help you stay organized and focused on what really matters.

How to Choose Curriculum for Your Child with Special Needs

What makes a curriculum more friendly to learners with special needs? Here are 4 ways to identify that curriculum, where to find it, and how to leverage 2 unique tools every parent has to help your kid learn.

Finding a Homeschool Friendly Special Education Professional

Four places to start your search for the right evaluator, psychologist, or other professional, to help in your special-needs homeschooling.

7 Reasons to Create a Student Education Plan (SEP)

Learn how a Student Education Plan (SEP), the homeschool version of an IEP, can help you make sure your homeschooled child’s special needs are addressed so they can enjoy success in learning!

Beginner’s Guide: Using Assistive Technology in My Homeschool

What is assistive technology (AT)? Could AT help my child learn more easily? How do I know when to use AT? How do I know if it’s the right choice? How do I pay for it? And where can I find it? Read on for answers . . .

¿Qué es un SEP / IEP / ISP?

Decidió educar a su hijo con necesidades educativas especiales en casa, pero ahora se siente abrumado. Un plan educativo personalizado (SEP) le puede ayudar a mantenerse organizado y enfocado en lo que importa.