
11 results for   Category: Assessments


COVID-19 Update: More States Modify Homeschool Requirements

See which states have taken action to modify—or even waive—certain homeschool requirements to help parents and students remain safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Exploring Hearing and Auditory Processing Struggles: Checklist and Resources

Is learning a struggle? Does your child have any of the symptoms in this hearing / auditory processing checklist? Check out our collection of resources to help you equip your child to succeed at and enjoy learning while homeschooling.

What Grade Is My Child Ready For?

If your child is not on grade level or doesn’t seem to fit into the curriculum/level you have selected, don’t panic! Wondering where to begin and what’s allowed? grab a cup of coffee and let’s talk about it . . .

¿Para qué grado está listo mi hijo?

Si su hijo no está preparado para cierto grado o parece no adaptarse al currículo o nivel que eligió para él, ¡no se preocupe! ¿Se pregunta por dónde empezar y qué está permitido? Tome una taza de café y platiquemos...

Tipos de pruebas de ubicación

Si su hijo no está listo para cierto grado o no parece adaptarse al nivel/currículo que ha elegido, ¡que no cunda el pánico! ¿Se pregunta por dónde empezar y qué está permitido? Tome una taza de café y platiquemos...

Types of Placement Test Tools

If your child is not on grade level or doesn’t seem to fit into the curriculum/level you have selected, don’t panic! Wondering where to begin and what’s allowed? grab a cup of coffee and let’s talk about it . . .

How to Adapt if My Child’s Not on Grade Level

If your child is not on grade level or doesn’t seem to fit into the curriculum/level you have selected, don’t panic! Wondering where to begin and what’s allowed? grab a cup of coffee and let’s talk about it . . .

What's My Child’s Learning Readiness?

Whether your child is 3 or 17, their learning readiness is key to their homeschool learning success!

¿Qué tan listo está mi hijo para aprender?

Estar preparado para aprender es clave para que su hijo tenga éxito en el aprendizaje, ¡sea que tenga 3 o 17 años!

COVID-19: WVDE Guidance on Assessments During Coronavirus

The West Virginia state Department of Education recommends a sort of grace period for homeschoolers who submit a standardized test as their annual assessment.