
77 results for   Category: Teaching Styles


What’s My Teaching Style?

Discover your teaching style by asking questions such as: What kind of scheduling works best for me? Do I like everything planned out or enjoy winging it sometimes? What’s my personality type? This a key to building your personal homeschool GPS!

Mind-styles & Environmental Preferences

The Way They Learn covers several different models used to determine learning styles.

¿Cuál es mi estilo de enseñanza?

Descubra su estilo de enseñanza: ¿qué tipo de horario me funciona mejor?, ¿me gusta que todo esté planeado o prefiero improvisar de vez en cuando?, ¿cuál es mi tipo de personalidad? ¡Todo esto es clave para orientar su educación en casa!

9 Picture Book Authors Who Inspired My Love of Reading

Among the myriads of children's book authors, I've always had a list of favorites. Over the years, I've found the works of these particular authors still enjoyable to both myself and my children.

Karim Morato, MEd

Karim Morato has been teaching and serving the Hispanic community through educational advice, mentoring, and counseling for more than 25 years. She and her husband have three homeschooled children.

Karim Morato, MEd

Karim Morato es especialista educativa bilingüe y coordinadora de alcance hispano de HSLDA.

Curious About STEM and Homeschooling?

Want to spark inquiry, curiosity, and problem-solving in homeschool kids at any age? Try STEM: everyday science, resources, labs, FUN! Watch this webinar!

Aprendiendo por las malas, por Rose Focht

Cuando siento la tentación de frustrarme con un niño que no está entendiendo ni cooperando inmediatamente, tengo que recordarme a mí misma que yo tengo mis propias formas de hacer lo mío.

COVID-19 Update: More States Modify Homeschool Requirements

See which states have taken action to modify—or even waive—certain homeschool requirements to help parents and students remain safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

What’s My Child’s Learning Preference?

How does your child best absorb, comprehend, and retain new information and skills? Identifying their learning preference(s) is key to establishing your personal homeschool GPS and finding the curriculum that fits them best.