
8 results for   Category: Research


Homeschooling Continues to Grow in 2021

Research shows homeschooling continues to grow, and that there are many reasons why parents choose to homeschool.

Parents’ Say in Education: Crucial to Maintaining Democracy for Our Kids

In his recent law journal article, HSLDA Senior Counsel Mike Donnelly argues that involving parents in education is crucial to maintaining our most treasured freedoms and enabling our kids to thrive.

New Research Shows Homeschool Growth across All Race, Income Categories

The latest data from the US Census Bureau shows Black, Hispanic, and Asian families are now homeschooling at about the same rate as White families. Homeschooling has also grown across all income levels.

Students Fell Behind During Pandemic. Homeschooling Can Help Them Catch Up

Research shows that learning disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic were hard on traditionally schooled students. Many of them fells months behind. But studies also show how homeschooling and parental involvement can help kids catch up.

Study Shows That Homeschooling Produces Good Citizens

A long-term study looking at the health and social development of students shows homeschoolers fare just as well as their peers in many areas, and do better in others.

Homeschooling Demographics Continue to Change Rapidly

Today, four times as many Black and Asian families, and three times as many Hispanic and White families are homeschooling, compared to 2016.

Cambia la demografía de la educación en casa rápidamente

Hoy, más familias asiáticas, hispanas y negras están educando en casa.

Alaska Study Criticizes Homeschooling But Doesn’t Study Homeschoolers

Can homeschool policies be based on public school correspondence test results? HSLDA Dir. of Research Steven Duvall discusses this as he reviews a recent study of Alaska student test scores by Chelsea McCracken and Rachel Coleman. Read our summary.