What is a GPA and how do I calculate it? In Part 3 of this webinar series, we’ll unpack this important reflection of your child’s academic story. Your student’s GPA represents their overall academic achievements and helps colleges evaluate their broader academic performance. 

Calculating your student’s GPA can be a tricky task,  so join our team during Part 3 of this webinar series to learn how to simplify this process! 

Join us as we discuss creating and maintaining a grading system, and how to how to calculate different kinds of GPAs. We look forward to seeing you there!

Some More Topics We’ll Discuss

  • What is a simplified grading system, and how do I create one?
  • What are the pros and cons of weighted grades?
  • What are quality points?
  • How do I calculate yearly and cumulative GPAs?

See Video, Transcript Highlights, and Resources