Compulsory Education Age
3 to 16 (from 16 to 18 training is mandatory until the age of majority)
Estimated Number of Homeschoolers
Legal Status
Homeschooling is legal but heavily restricted under a new law proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron. Almost 100 members of the French National Assembly and Senate petitioned the law requesting a review and to strike down Article 49 of the new law, which imposed unreasonable restrictions on French homeschool families. You can read the translation of Decision n 2021-823 DC here.
The new law does not change the legal status of homeschooling, but does restrict it to four specific exceptions relating to health, family traveling status, medical, or other specific reasons related to the needs of a child. The most significant change is that, instead of simply filing a declaration and homeschooling under the conditions of submitting to annual inspections and home visits by the government, the new law requires families who wish to homeschool to obtain permission under one of the four conditions of the law.
Currently, homeschool families in France are "grandfathered" under the previous law for the 2021–2024 school years which is the Education Code, Article L. 131, a supplemental decree and a circular.
Contact Information
Liberté éducation
Contact: Jean-Baptiste Maillard
Website: www.liberteeducation.com
Phone: (33) 664-806169
Instagram: www.instagram.com/liberteeducation/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/liberteeducation/
Les Enfants d’Abord
Website: www.lesenfantsdabord.org
Address: 8 rue Haguenau
67000 Strasbourg
Email: contact-international@lesenfantsdabord.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LesEnfantsDAbordInstructionEnFamille
Website: laia-asso.fr
Address: 7 rue de Bréhat
35150 Janzé
Phone: +33 (0) 4 34 21 90 81
Email: laia.asso@free.fr
Facebook: www.facebook.com/magazine.lesplumes
Parent Concept
Information on Homeschooling in France
Website: www.parentconcept.com
Additional Resources
Social Service and Home Education in France (COMITE CEDIF)
The French organization CEDIF works to protect parental rights and published an overview on these topics.
Proposition de loi n°3704 seeks to limit home education (Choisir d'Instruire Son Enfant)
French families oppose a bill to switch home education to a permission-based system instead of the current declaration-based system.
Open Letter to Madame Minister of Education (Choisir d'Instruire Son Enfant)
French homeschool families resist a draft law to increase restrictions on homeschooling.
Despite the Law: Home Education in France (ICHER.org)
The International Center for Home Education reviews an article by an education professor on French homeschooling.