Sixty-five percent of kids ages 10-18 have experienced cyberbullying either as a victim, witness, or bully. As technology rapidly changes and your kids spend more time on their digital devices, it can be hard to keep up and make sure your children are safe. What if we told you about a product that could help you and your family better navigate the risks of the online world?

The Smart Way to Keep Kids Safer Online

Bark is an award-winning service that analyzes your child's text messages, emails, and social media, and sends you alerts when potential risks are detected. Bark uses advanced technology that keeps up with the evolution of language and recognizes possible dangers—anything from bullying, violence, and adult content to depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation.

You will also receive expert recommendations from child psychologists to help you address issues that arise. Bark helps parents and kids work together, build trust, and even strengthen relationships.

Try Bark Free for 7 Days

Visit to learn more and sign up for a free one-week trial. HSLDA members can receive 17% off the standard rate!