
332 results for   reading

Take your time decompressing from a rigid school schedule. Focus on the key skill areas (like reading, math, and language arts) for a few hours a day. A lot can be accomplished in just 30 minute blocks of time and your kids can continue to learn! See sample schedule ideas here.


Reading Eggs

Special HSLDA member savings for homeschoolers!

Book Groups and Movie Nights: Getting Your Teen Reading

Here are three methods that I have found to encourage reading in the teen years.

Four Ways to Help Kids Read 40 Books a Year

You may find that reading alongside your kids is both encouraging and the most re-charging part of your day!

Amy Koons

Amy is a second-generation homeschooler and a native Californian, transplanted to the Midwest. She loves reading good books, exploring new places, and going on adventures with her four kids.

Rachelle Reitz

Rachelle is wife to Michael and homeschooling mom to Ben, Kyrie, & Evie. She works part-time as a travel coordinator for non-profit organizations, and enjoys reading, writing, and ancestry research.

Reading, Writing and Listening—Building the Foundation


Monica Krason Moodhe

Monica was homeschooled for all 12 grades and loved the individualized approach to her education, which allowed her to pursue her passion for writing and reading uninhibited. She and her husband, Kyle, live in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jill Baker

A homeschool graduate, Jill Burcham Baker knew she wanted to work at HSLDA after reading The Home School Court Report in high school. After several years as a legal assistant at HSLDA, she moved into her current role as an editor.

Anna Lorrig

Anna is a homeschool grad and HSLDA’s Social Media Manager. In her off-time, when she is not reading or working on various craft projects, she can often be found daydreaming about Montana mountains and new places to see.

Reading, Writing, and Rhyming: 3 Fun Word Games

On long road trips, these three word games can keep kids entertained.