ARTICLE Análisis legal de Kentucky Un análisis detallado de las leyes de educación en el hogar en Kentucky
ARTICLE Special Education Provisions for Kentucky Special education provisions for homeschooled students in Kentucky.
PAGE Kentucky Homeschool Laws Questions about how to homeschool in Kentucky? Start here for a quick overview: homeschooling laws & requirements, compulsory attendance ages, withdrawal, access to sports & special ed. services, recordkeeping, work permits, jury duty . . .
RESOURCE Kentucky Withdrawal Form You can use this form to follow the withdrawal procedure of the Kentucky school your child is currently attending.
ARTICLE Jury Duty Laws in Kentucky Here’s what Kentucky law says about jury duty exemptions for homeschool parents.
ARTICLE The Importance of Recordkeeping in Kentucky Here are the records you need to keep for your homeschool in Kentucky.
PAGE Leyes de Kentucky ¿Cómo educar en el hogar en Kentucky? Obtenga una descripción general aquí: leyes y requisitos, edad de asistencia obligatoria, retiro, acceso a servicios de educación especial y deportes, gestión de registros, permisos laborales...
ARTICLE Compulsory School Age in Kentucky Here’s when you need to start following Kentucky’s compulsory school law for each of your children.
RESOURCE Kentucky Private School Notice of Attendance You can fill out this Kentucky Private School Notice of Attendance form and mail it to the superintendent of your school district.