25 results for Category: Arizona
Navy Drifts Away from Common Sense on Homeschool Records
Navy recruiters told a homeschool graduate he could not enlist without all his grade school records. We’re working to help the Navy correct its course on this.
Arizona Affidavit of Intent
Use this form as instructed below to notify your county school superintendent of your plan to homeschool.
Declaración jurada de intención en Arizona
Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación para dar aviso al superintendente escolar de su condado acerca de su plan de enseñar en casa.
Arizona Letter of Withdrawal
If you are withdrawing your child from public school during the school year to begin homeschooling, fill out this letter and mail it "CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED" to the principal of the public school your child is currently attending.
Carta de retiro en Arizona
Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.
Public School Access for Homeschoolers in Arizona
Here’s what Arizona law says about homeschool students’ access to public school classes or services.
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Arizona
How to withdraw your child from their current school and start homeschooling them.
Compulsory School Age in Arizona
Here’s when you need to start following Arizona’s compulsory school law for each of your children.
Cómo cumplir con las leyes de educación en el hogar en Arizona
Esta página le ayudará a entender paso por paso cómo educar legalmente a su hijo en casa en Arizona.