
42 results for   Category: Kentucky


HSLDA Helps Cosmetology Board Give Policy a Makeover

Two homeschool graduates were told their diplomas were insufficient by the Kentucky Board of Cosmetology. HSLDA has gotten involved to help make sure their policy is informed and fair to homeschool graduates.

COVID-19 and the need for CPS reform

HSLDA has been advocating for CPS reforms for years—families should never have to deal with the stress and anxiety that result from false reports.

Mom Uneasy after Officials Show up to Question Homeschool Program

A member in Kentucky requested help after school officials sought entry to her home and asked pointed questions about her homeschool program. The local superintendent claimed officials were just making sure families have what they need.

District’s Mass Records Demand—an Unwarranted Investigation?

The local public school district ordered every homeschooling family in the county to provide detailed records and warned they could face further investigation.

Why Did This School Threaten to Report All Homeschoolers to County Attorney?

First one family told us they received a form letter insisting they submit certain homeschool records to authorities—or face legal action. Within hours, we started hearing from more families who received the same letter …

Injustice? Agency Invents Reason to Pull Adoption Subsidy from Homeschool Family

Kentucky law allows students to receive a publicly funded education until age 21. So why did state officials insist that if this homeschooler didn’t graduate by 18, they’d drop the family’s adoption subsidy?

Verificación de matrícula para solicitar la licencia de conducir en Kentucky

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.

Aviso de asistencia a las escuelas privadas de Kentucky

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.

Formulario de retiro de Kentucky

Puede utilizar este formulario para seguir el procedimiento de retiro de la escuela a la que asiste su hijo actualmente.

Public School Access for Homeschoolers in Kentucky

Here’s what Kentucky law says about homeschool students’ access to public school classes or services.