
36 results for   Category: West Virginia


District Does 180, School Attorneys Apologize to Family

To escape the crime that had invaded their Oregon neighborhood, a homeschool family moved to West Virginia. There they encountered a new kind of lawlessness—this time perpetrated by government school officials.

New DMV Feature Puts Homeschoolers in Driver’s Seat

A homeschool mom helping her son apply for a driver’s permit was told her paperwork was no good. A top DMV official later confirmed that this was a mistake, and revealed a good piece of news that parents will find helpful.

“Learning Pods” in West Virginia Memo

HSLDA Attorney Mike Donnelly explains the provisions, advantages, and disadvantages of West Virginia's new exemption, particularly regarding the “learning pod” option.

District: PhD Dad Can’t Assess His Own Homeschooled Kids

He’s a certified teacher and holds a PhD, but state officials claimed this homeschooled dad couldn’t conduct an annual portfolio assessment for his own children. That’s not what the law says.

West Virginia Threatens New Restrictions. We’re Ready to Respond.


West Virginia: 5 Tips for Defending Homeschool Freedom

Two legislators who support homeschooling say advocates need to prepare now in case West Virginia calls a special session to impose new restrictions.

West Virginia Driver Eligibility Statement

If you are a West Virginia resident, you may use this form to affirm that your child is eligible to receive a driver's license or permit.

Declaración de elegibilidad del conductor de West Virginia

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.

West Virginia Assessment and Testing Forms

Depending on which option you choose to assess your child in West Virginia, you may use one of these forms to communicate with the superintendent of your school district.

Formularios de evaluación y prueba de West Virginia

Dependiendo de la opción que elija para evaluar a su hijo en West Virginia, puede usar uno de estos formularios para comunicarse con el superintendente de su distrito escolar.