ARTICLE Virginia Religious Exemption to Immunization Form This form is for Virginia homeschool families who have a religious objection to the state immunization laws.
ARTICLE Jury Duty Laws in Virginia Here’s what Virginia law says about jury duty exemptions for homeschool parents.
ARTICLE Leyes sobre el servicio de jurado en Virginia Esto es lo que dice la ley en Virginia sobre exenciones del servicio de jurado para padres que educan en casa.
NEWS Chesapeake Demands Your Curriculum—Maybe Chesapeake, Virginia public schools based their confusing demand on what they wanted, not what the law says.
NEWS Homeschooling Not A Probation Violation We defended a family’s right to choose the best education for their teen.
NEWS Virginia School Prosecuted Homeschoolers. Now It Wants to Enroll Them. Franklin County is now recruiting for a virtual academy.