
39 results for   Category: High School


Elective Courses and Extracurricular Activities: Why My Teen Needs Both

What’s the difference between a high school elective course and an extracurricular? Learn how to tell them apart, understand the lasting benefits for your student, and become equipped to incorporate both into your teen’s homeschool journey!

Get our simple 4-year high school plan form

Use this free 4-year high school form to plan out the courses your homeschool student will take during each year of high school.

Homeschooled High Schoolers and the GED

Does your student need a GED? The short answer is no—if your student finishes his or her high school program, a homeschool diploma is in order!

Three Types of Year-End Assessments


How to Grade a High School Course

Learn the basics of grading a high school course. Tip: It’s an art, not an exact science!

How to Grade High School Assignments

Properly evaluating your teen’s work is very important during the high school years. Here’s how to grade different types of assignments.

Carol Becker, BS, MS


Carol Becker

Carol Becker was an author, speaker, and team leader for HSLDA’s High School Educational Consultants from 2014-2022. She homeschooled both her children, started two homeschool co-ops, and tutored students from middle school through community college.

AP Exams and AP Courses

AP Exams and courses give your teen the opportunity to delve into college-level work, earn college credit or advanced placement, and save both time and money.

Taking the PSAT

Here’s everything you need to know about the PSAT, which prepares teens for college entrance exams and also makes them eligible for scholarships.