
20 results for   Category: After Graduation


Carol Becker, BS, MS


Carol Becker

Carol Becker was an author, speaker, and team leader for HSLDA’s High School Educational Consultants from 2014-2022. She homeschooled both her children, started two homeschool co-ops, and tutored students from middle school through community college.

Introduction to College Entrance Exams


Investigating Four-Year Colleges and Universities

There are over 2,000 accredited four-year colleges and universities in the United States! How do you and your teen sort through them all? We’ll show you how!

Preparing to Enter the Military: Your Mission

Is your homeschooled teen interested in joining the military? Help them zero in on their specific military career goals and achieve their dreams.

Steps to Submit a College Application

Applying to college as a homeschooled student can get easier each year. Understanding the college admissions process from the homeschool perspective prepares you to approach this season with confidence!

Helping Bret Get into Lineman School

Though homeschool graduates are considered prize recruits by many colleges and universities, trade schools can sometimes reluctant to accept them. That’s when HSLDA’s help can make a big difference.

Investigación de universidades de cuatro años

¿Sabía que en Estados Unidos hay más de 2,000 universidades acreditadas que ofrecen programas de cuatro años? ¿Cómo es que un adolescente puede decidir entre tantas opciones? ¡Nosotros le demostramos cómo!

Gathering College Application Information

If college applications are on the horizon, be prepared ahead of time with all the important documentation your student will need. Here’s what you need to know, Mom!

Introduction: Exploring Options, Discovering and Preparing for a Career

Homeschooling in high school doesn’t mean just getting our teens to graduation. A big part of our task is helping our students figure out what to do next after high school—and then using the high school years to prepare them.