
29 results for   Category: Dads


Year 1 Takeaways: My Top 5 Challenges as a Homeschool Dad

My wife and I have a full year of homeschooling under our belts! Along with the joys and blessings that we’ve learned homeschooling brings, there are also some challenges that we need to work on for the coming school year.

Los 5 mayores retos de mi primer año como padre educador en casa

Mi esposa y yo hemos educado en casa durante un año. Además de las alegrías y las bendiciones que nos ha traído esta alternativa educativa, también se nos han presentado retos que debemos trabajar para el próximo año escolar.

Introducing Chelsea Moore to the Blog!


Let’s Play! Making Friends in Homeschooling

When you are homeschooling, there are plenty of ways to make friends of all ages and backgrounds, as well as ways to stay in touch with friends that move away. You may even find you have more opportunities than you have time for!

Las confesiones de una madre que enseña en el hogar

Tome nota: No a todas las madres que educan en el hogar les gustan las mismas cosas ni educan de la misma manera.  ¡Y está bien así!

Confessions of a Homeschool Mom

Hint: Not all homeschool moms enjoy or the same thing or homeschool the same way. And that’s ok! 

Finding the Time for Priorities

“Don’t say ‘no,’ just so that you can be a little less inconvenienced. Say ‘no’ so you can say ‘yes’ to what God is putting on your heart.”

Our Monkeys Visit the Zoo

Lions, giraffes . . . and a lively toddler!

Just Add a 1

A homeschool mom reflects on how much has changed with her kids between 2010 and 2020.

A Homeschool Day in the Life: You Can Do This!

Here is an outline of our average homeschool day (from The Shutdown till our end of year in mid-June). For reference, I have five children: grades 4–7 (three girls), K/1st (boy), and a baby boy born last October.