
9 results for   Category: Transcripts


The Essentials of High School Recordkeeping

High school recordkeeping doesn’t have to be a headache! By following this framework, you can create your own simple system that will clearly present your student’s interests, abilities, and achievements.

Creating My Teen’s High School Plan

Getting ready to homeschool your high schooler—or already started? Now is the best time to make a plan! By mapping out your teen’s courses ahead of time, you can stay on course all the way through graduation.

3 Ways to Determine My Teen’s High School Course Credit

Homeschooling parents are responsible for assigning credit to their teens’ high school courses. This doesn’t have to be a daunting task—corral those credits by using one of these simple methods.

How to Grade a High School Course

Learn the basics of grading a high school course. Tip: It’s an art, not an exact science!

How to Grade High School Assignments

Properly evaluating your teen’s work is very important during the high school years. Here’s how to grade different types of assignments.

Puntos clave de la gestión de registros en secundaria

¿Qué debo guardar? ¿Por cuánto tiempo?

How This Homeschool Grad Changed an Admission Director’s Mind

After several years in a Montessori school, Stori Peterson homeschooled through high school. However, her plans to study English came to an abrupt halt when a college admission official questioned the validity of her homeschool education.

Hitting All the Right Notes: Homeschool Grad Admitted to Royal Academy of Music

Admissions officers at a prestigious London music school didn’t know what to make of this homeschool graduate’s high school transcripts. We helped show that her credentials were supported by state law.
