
18 results for   Category: Planning


Filling In Your School Year—The Big Picture View

Getting my ducks in a row: What kinds of things do I need to have on hand for effective lesson planning?

Nitty-Gritty Lesson Planning

Find the Shortcuts—Then Break It Into Easy-to-Accomplish Chunks

Choosing Planning Tools That Work for Me

For tracking your daily lesson plans, extracurricular activities, assignment grades—and even daily chores—here are popular recordkeeping strategies and resources used by homeschooling parents like you.

Cómo elegir las herramientas de planificación más adecuadas para mí

Para llevar un registro de sus clases diarias, actividades extracurriculares, calificaciones de tareas y labores diarias en el hogar, le compartimos estrategias populares de planificación y recursos que muchos padres utilizan al educar en casa.

Rigorous College Prep Plan

This sample high school plan would be appropriate for students applying to selective or prestigious colleges and universities.

General High School Plan

This sample high school plan would be appropriate for students entering the workforce, the military, vocational schools (including tech or trade), or apprenticeship programs directly after graduating.

When Should You Start the School Year?

That answer can vary depending on each homeschooling family. 

Average to Strong College Prep Plan

This sample high school plan would be appropriate for students entering community college or applying to most four-year colleges and universities.

One Step, Two Step: School Planning as a Team

Breathe easy: Sharing the load means it’s not all on you!

A Procrastinator’s Approach to School Planning

Not a type A planner? No problem! From conferences to curriculum, here are some ideas for starting the school year.