BLOG Free Your Homeschool: Embracing Innovation! Making room for innovation in our day-to-day helps us remember that and keep the beauty of homeschooling in view—even in the high school years.
BLOG Book Groups and Movie Nights: Getting Your Teen Reading Here are three methods that I have found to encourage reading in the teen years.
BLOG When My Kids Launch, What's Next for Me? Five things to consider as your kids leave the nest and your role as a homeschool teacher comes to an end.
BLOG Planning a High School Homeschool Graduation Our homeschool group has developed a template over the years for homeschool graduations with details on meeting dates, roles, and financial expenses. This information is kept in a master notebook that is handed down from one coordinator to the next.
BLOG 6 Ways to Motivate Your Teen When you're homeschooling, there are several ways you can motivate your teen to get homework done.
BLOG A Teenager in My House: 3 Takeaways If you are wondering how to cultivate conversations with your teen, here are some ideas!