
28 results for   Category: Homeschool Groups


How Churches Can Support Homeschool Groups

We frequently receive questions about how churches can help support homeschool families. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

Cómo pueden las iglesias apoyar a los grupos de educación en casa


How Homeschool Groups Creatively Serve Their Communities

A social media poll led to a discussion about the various ways homeschool groups give back to their communities. The answers might surprise you!

Co-op or Daycare? How to Make Sure Your Group is Legally Homeschooling.

The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired the growth of co-ops, pods, and other small groups aimed at providing innovative education alternatives. Problem is, some of them are running into legal problems.

My Venture into Teaching Co-op Classes

Rachelle shares 8 helpful tips for teaching a homeschool co-op class!

Becas Anuales para Grupos

Cada verano, HSLDA otorga becas a nuestros Grupos con Descuento para apoyarles en diversos proyectos, desde la creación de bibliotecas de préstamo hasta la organización o asistencia a conferencias.

Times Change. Your Group’s Policies Should Keep Up.

Like a car, after a homeschool group has been operating for a while, it may need a tune-up. Here are some important documents to look at.

How To Apply For A Homeschool Group Grant

Learn how we support growing dynamic homeschool communities

Stronger Together: How Your Homeschool Can Flourish in a Group

Homeschool groups provide support, access to activities, and can help stretch your education dollars. And if there isn’t one near you, we can help you start something new!

Homeschool Grads no Longer Assumed Out-of-State Residents in University System

On April 21, Nebraska governor Pete Ricketts signed LB 92, a bill that will change the way homeschool graduates are categorized for purposes of in-state tuition in the Nebraska University system.