
100 results for   Category: What to Teach


Scope and Sequence

Getting started homeschooling or even just planning for the new school year can seem like an overwhelming task that leaves questions swirling in our heads. We have a great resource to help you answer them!

Setting Educational Goals for My Kid

Goals help you prioritize, choose curriculum, lesson plan, and evaluate your child’s progress at the end of the year. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you set goals for your child . . .

Where Will We Homeschool? Creating My Child’s Learning Environment

Does the “home” in homeschool make you feel claustrophobic? Don’t worry—“homeschool” doesn’t mean “homebound”!

¿Dónde educaremos en casa? Cómo crear un entorno de aprendizaje para mi hijo

(¡Educar en casa no nos obliga a quedarnos en ella!)

Cómo establecer metas educativas para mi hijo

Las metas le ayudan a priorizar, elegir currículo, planificar las clases y evaluar los progresos de su hijo al final del año. Aquí le compartimos algunas consideraciones para establecer metas para su hijo…

Looking for Free or Inexpensive Curriculum and Resources?

A comprehensive list of free homeschool curriculum and resources for all grades, including high school. Subjects include math, English, science, history, and more!

¿En busca de currículo y recursos económicos o gratuitos?

Desde planes de lecciones, paquetes completos de currículo, hasta computadoras restauradas… revise si alguno de estos materiales gratuitos o con descuento puede ser parte de su biblioteca de la educación en casa.

Choosing Planning Tools That Work for Me

For tracking your daily lesson plans, extracurricular activities, assignment grades—and even daily chores—here are popular recordkeeping strategies and resources used by homeschooling parents like you.

Cómo elegir las herramientas de planificación más adecuadas para mí

Para llevar un registro de sus clases diarias, actividades extracurriculares, calificaciones de tareas y labores diarias en el hogar, le compartimos estrategias populares de planificación y recursos que muchos padres utilizan al educar en casa.

Homeschooling on a Budget . . . or No Budget?

Looking for some budget friendly ways to source your curriculum needs? Here you go! If you’ve got a handle on your child’s learning preference, your teaching style, and your educational approach.