
18 results for   Category: Parental Rights


CPS Pays $700,000 to Homeschool Mom

Vanessa and her children had been homeschooling for seven years, when a CPS investigator took her children. HSLDA got them reunited—then we filed a lawsuit.

Judges: Law Protects Kids’ Napping Freedom

A Texas court protected HSLDA members from CPS investigators’ fishing expedition, saying the department’s “responsibility to protect children from abusive parents does not authorize the state to oversee the internal affairs of every family.”

Treaty Threatens US Protection for Children

New federal legislation supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a treaty that would transfer jurisdiction of state family and education laws to Congress—and ultimately to the UN.

Mom Set Free, Homeschool Dad Still Demands Justice from Behind Bars


Dad Being Tortured for Homeschooling


Parents Homeschool for Good Reasons

This next installment of our HSLDA Responds series unpacks the many reasons behind parents' decisions to homeschool, backed by research and the personal experience of a 2nd generation homeschooling dad.

Sixth Circuit “Right-to-Public-Education” Appeal Dismissed

In the famous words of Miracle Max, the Sixth Circuit panel’s bad decision is now all dead, not just mostly dead.

What’s Next? 2020 Legislative Trends + Homeschooling

Our goal of course, is to guard the ability of loving parents to teach, protect, and nurture their children.

CPS: “Good Work, Parents!”

A CPS investigator checking up on an HSLDA member family could see that the children were thriving—and complimented the parents for doing a good job.

Will the Supreme Court Rein in this Rogue School District?
